Friday, October 19, 2007

Finding Peace with God through Jesus Christ

God loves you dearly and desires a relationship with you. Because of the sin nature we are born with, and God's perfect holiness, we are eternally separted from God. But God, in love, has made a way for us to know Him personally. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ (who is also fully God) to die on the cross in place of you, so you could have a relationship with Him on this earth and live eternally with Him in heaven. You can be saved from eternal hell and a life lived in vain and hopelessness. It is by God's grace alone, that you can be saved. It is not church attendence, bible study, or any "good" you do. The Bible says you must...

1. Admit you are a sinner in need of God's grace.
2. Believe Jesus alone died for you and rose from the grave, proving He is God and satisfying God's wrath over sin.
3. Ask Jesus, in prayer, to come and be the Lord of your life and fully surrender to His ways.

If you did that, you are now part of God's family and in John chapter 3 Jesus says you have been "born again". Read about it and rejoice in the plan God has for you now!
Seek out a Bible-believing church and seek to grow in this new relationship you have with God through Jesus. Now you will grow in godliness and produce fruit that will point others to Jesus to your Father's glory!